Every geographic area has its own problems. Florida has its hurricanes, central USA has its tornado alley, and on the west coast, we live in fear of "The Big One". An earthquake so big that it will have catastrophic consequences. Periodically, the media revives details of the superquake, and reminds us that there is small chance of it occurring sometime in the next 50 years.
Megaquake will rip open the earth like a zipper
Imagine placing a few air mattresses in the middle of a swimming pool and letting them sit there for a few days. Do you think they might all stay together? Do you think they might stay in the middle? We would have to consider a wide range of different possibilities based on what factors might cause them to move.
Scientists have noticed a great deal of evidence to suggest that the continents are not just sitting in place on the Earth, and that the continents are in fact drifting very very slowly. In this section, we will learn what Continental Drift is and some of the reasons that scientists believe it is actually taking place.
Assignment: What is the Mechanism of Continental Drift?
Things you should know after today:
Plate tectonic theory proproses that there can be different kinds of interactions when two plates meet. What happens is a result of 2 factors:
Today, you will explore the different plate interactions and see what happens when the different plates meet.
Things you should know after today:
One of the results of interactions at plate boundaries is the formation of earthquakes. BC sits near several plate boundaries and as a result, is in an earthquake zone. Geologists study thepossibility of a megaquake off the coast of BC regularly because of the potential impact to BC residents.
Often, their messages are extreme, doom and gloom scenarios, because that is often the only way to reach our politicians and have them do something about it now to stage off more disastrous results later on. This article: The Big One Could Leave Pacific Rim Countries with No Escape, is just one example. If the public sits up and takes notice, then our leaders will take notice. This is just one potential scenario, but there are far more with much less dire consequences. Just what some of those consequences might be, and how scientists have learned about earthquakes and the structure of the earth are some of the things that you will learn about in today's assignments.
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