Google Classroom

What is Google Classroom?

Google Classroom is Google's foray into educational software.  It allows students to collaborate with their peers, communicate with their teachers, and submit work digitally from home or school without the need for printing out hard copies of their work.  Students will sign up for a Delta School District GMail account which will have format, "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." rather than the familiar "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.".

Students often ask why they can't just use their regular GMail account.  This is for many reasons, some of which include:

a) It is important to keep a separation between work/school and personal documents.  Students should value their privacy, and their personal work should be kept well away from anywhere that an employer or teacher might possibly have access to it. The more barriers between their files and someone else, the safer their information will be.  An entirely new account is a good way to prevent accidentally sharing personal information with others.

b) Some of the software has been set up to only interact with deltalearns accounts which are handed out by the school district. This prevents unwanted individuals from gaining access to students through electronic communications and reduces the chance of fraudulent acitivity that could be of a damaging nature to students.

For more information about DeltaLearns and Google Classroom, please visit the Deltalearns page at:

Signing up for Google Classroom

Step 1: Completion of Waiver

Parents must complete a digital waiver in order for students to access their DeltaLearns account.  This is done through Parent Connect and parents can complete the waiver digitally.   This can be found at


Step 2: Acceptable Use Agreement

Students will now be able to go into Student Connect and agree to the Acceptable Usage Policy.  At this point, their account will be created automatically, although it may take up to an hour to become active.  More information can be found at:

Login Form