
Course Introduction

Welcome to Information Technology 11/12!  This is a course intended to teach some of the basic principles involved in programming. Specifically, this will cover program flow, decision making, data input and output as well as storage of information.  The focus of this course will be to create a text based game using web based technologies.  While this course may teach some of the fundamentals of game design, this is not a video game design course.  If you have time at the end of the year, or even mid year, and would like to explore this on your own, it can be counted towards your course assessment as long as you can demonstrate that you have used it to meet some of the learning outcomes of the course.

We will be creating a game that can be played with a web browser, so primarily text with maybe some simple graphics for decoration.  Actions will be primarily user input based (users click on links or buttons) at which point the user interface can be updated with new information, or a new page can be loaded.

Read more: Course Introduction

Course Assessment

You will be assessed on 5 components in this course:

  • 30% Planning Phase (pencil/paper, note form in a word processing document, verbal explanations)
  • 15% User Interface (using HTML and CSS forms)
  • 35% Coding (Converting components from your Planning Phase into PHP)
  • 15% Database Storage/Retrieval (Creating database tables in MySQL and then storing/retrieving data from them)
  • 5% Hardware maintenance (Citizenship and general tech duties helping to troubleshoot and service hardware)

These percentages are only a rough guidline, and are generally to reflect how much time you should be spending on each.

Read more: Course Assessment

Course Technology/Tools

This is a breakdown of some of the things that you will be using in this course:

  • Webhosting account.  Since our game will be created and stored online, we need a place to put it.  You do not need to spend money on a domain name or webhosting account.  There are many free webhosting companies that have services that will meet our needs.  You can explore some diffent options, as some of them do not work well with the BC Ministry of Education provided Internet.  (This site, for example, seems to load slower when I'm at school, but works fine at home).  You can find out some of the requirements in our forums as well as a guideline to some features that might make your work easier to use.
  • Read more: Course Technology/Tools

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