Dividing fractions is an easy process if you think about changing the division to a multiplication question.  This is because we can make use of the reciprocal.

For example, we often think of dividing by 2 as taking  ½ as taking of something.  2 and ½ are reciprocal numbers.  In today's notes, find out how we can use reciprocals to help us divide by a fraction.


  • Notes

Things you should be able to do after today:

  • Find the reciprocal of a fraction
  • Change a division question into a multiplication question using reciprocals
  • Divide using fractions


  • Worksheet
  • p227 #7-11, 13, 15, 17, 20 *23
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Download this file (8.6.5.dividing.ws.pdf)8.6.5.dividing.ws.pdf 192 kB
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