Create your Own Measurement System

Parts of the imperial system of measurement had been in use for almost 150 years before the system was replaced by the (arguably) superior metric system.  The metric system has been widely adopted as THE system of measurement for the last 50 years.  Now, the world is poised, waiting eagerly for you to introduce the next great advance in measurement.

You will be creating your own measurement system and demonstrating how it can be used to measure the lengths of objects.  You will also need to convert it to other systems so that people can see the benefits of its use and relate it to their own understanding of length and width.  As part of your system, you will need to produce an instructional video that introduces your units of measurement.

You will be permitted to work in a group of 3 or 4.

Part I: Create the Measurement System

  • Create the base unit of measurement in your system using some referent.
  • How will your unit of measurement be split up.  ie If something is not a full unit, will it be measured in decimals of your base unit, or fractions, and what kind of fraction?
  • Create a larger unit based on your main unit. Example: the imperial system uses 3 feet = 1 yard and 5280 feet = 1 mile
  • Create a conversion chart to show the relationship between units in your system, and units in the metric and imperial systems.

Part II: Using Your Measurement System

  • Create a ruler that you can use to measure objects with your measurement system.  Hint:  Using a piece of string of a set length is a great way to help you split your ruler up into set measurements.  Make sure that you put your fraction/decimal markers on your ruler so you can measure partial units.
    • Would you rather make a measuring tape/tape measure? That's okay, too!
  • Measure 2 objects using your ruler.  Convert the measurements into metric measurements.

Part III: Presenting your Project

  • Create a video that shows your group using your ruler to measure an object
  • Your video could also include your explanations of how the unit conversions are done.
  • About videos:
    • You can use mobile devices for live footage.  There are some available in class for you to borrow.
    • Do you want to show work on the computer?  Think about a screen capturing tool like "Screenomatic" ( a free and super awesome web based capture tool! )
    • Do you want to show calculations done on paper?  Think about using a mobile device mounted like a document camera ( we have access to a couple of stands you can use ).
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